Gaurs’s new commercial project Gaur Aero Mall nearby Hindon Air Force, Loni Road, Ghaziabad

Gaurs’s new commercial project Gaur Aero Mall nearby Hindon Air Force, Loni Road, Ghaziabad
Gaur Aero Mall is commercial project that is launched by Gaurs group and with smart location nearby Hindon Air Force, Loni Road, Ghaziabad. Gaur Aero Mall offers Studio Apartments, Kiosk & Residential Plots. Gaur Aero Mall is near from Hindon domestic airport. The project has great connectivity.
Gaur Aero Mall is first high-street shopping mall of Ghaziabad, strategically located at Gaur Airocity, near Hindon Airport, Ajantapuram, Ghaziabad.
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“The Gaur Aero Mall is a shopping mall in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is popularly known as Gaur Aero Mall. It is one of the largest malls in the region. The mall features a wide selection of national and international retail outlets. This grand shopping mall also shares its boundary with Hindon Domestic Terminal Airport.”
Frequently asked questions:
Qus. What is the current status ofAns. The current status of the Gaur Aero Mall is Under Construction. To know more about this project, check out Gaur Aero Mall project details.
Qus. What is the possession date of Gaur Aero Mall?
Ans. The possession date of Gaur Aero Mall is Jan, 2027. This new launched project is best in Ghaziabad.
Qus. What is the launch date of Gaur Aero Mall?
Ans. Gaur Aero Mall has already been launched in Sep 2022.
Qus. Where is the Gaur Aero Mall project located in Ghaziabad?
Ans. Gaur Aero Mall project is located in Loni Road Main Durga Puri, Ghaziabad. It is located in a prime location and is one of the best new launched projects in Ghaziabad. Gaur Aero Mall is well served by major transportation routes.
Qus. How many units are currently available in Gaur Aero Mall?
Ans. At present, 595 units are available in the Gaur Aero Mall. If you are looking for a flat in Loni Road Main Durga Puri, Ghaziabad, Gaur Aero Mall is the best one to invest in.